When I first talked about producing a short animation show for The Three Muttsketeers to a friend, she thought I was joking. I thought I should do something to create publicity for my book, and Youtube is one good platform to create awareness as young kids are attracted to moving visuals more than anything else.
“Who still read books nowadays?” Came one reply from the same well meaning lady friend.
“Look at all these bookstores out there! They are not doing well. In fact, many (with the exception of bookstores which major in textbooks and assessment books) are closing down.”
Without a doubt, people are moving onto electronic devices these days. It would be a matter of time when textbooks and assessment books can be viewed in the electronic form too.
So I decided to create my own short video. Many youtubers have created their own; and some are quite well made. It is always good to learn new tricks even though I am an old dog.
Youtube is a good resource to start learning about editing video. And some of the effects are simply amazing. I learn how to cut and split a video file, put in special effects and video transition, add in audio and subtitles. My boy is amazed to see his familiar house dog appear as a hero – it sure captures his attention when the three fashionable dogs appeared on screen.
After my video editing was completed, I invited a few co-workers to be the voice cast for my animated show. And happily they agreed.
It was such a blessing to have such a supportive team.

Sitting (L-R): Heidi, Shirley, Donna. Standing (L-R): Weijia, Elssa
- Story narration: Donna.
- Magical Stork: Weijia
- Ah Bee: Shirley
- Elssa: JojoB
- Momo: Heidi
Enjoy the 5.32 minute animated show!